What Natural Nootropics are Found in Food?

Article by: David Gracey
What Natural Nootropics are Found in Food?

Nootropics found in food are much more common than you may think! 

Nootropics are substances that help amplify cognitive abilities and critical thinking skills, and many foods that you may already be eating can be abundant

With the advancements accruing in the food and supplement industry, one can make use of nootropics safely.

But supplements aren’t the only sources of nootropics.

Nootropics can also be found in foods and beverages such as green tea, eggs, fish, meat, olive oil, blueberries, dark chocolate, and much more!

  • L-Theanine from green tea
  • Resveratrol from grapes
  • Choline from eggs
  • Turmeric spice/powder
  • Carotenoids from spinach & kale
  • Antioxidants from walnuts, olive oil, broccoli, ginseng, and blueberries
  • Omega-3 fatty acids from fish
  • BDNF from Lion’s Mane mushroom

L-Theanine From Green Tea

L-Theanine is a great natural nootropic for reducing anxiety and promoting a calm state. It works by altering the alpha brain waves.

It also speeds up the metabolism and thus initiates weight loss; this feature of green tea also induces a refreshing and light feeling in the body.

All of this combined allows an individual to concentrate efficiently and hence reinforce the memory!

It is true, however, that one would have to supplement at least 200 mg of L-Theanine daily to avail of its benefits.

There is a lot more to L-Theanine, to unravel some really interesting features backed by scientific research,  click here to learn more about l-theanine!

Resveratrol From Grapes

Resveratrol has excellent antioxidant properties. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity is strong enough to prevent cancer!

Resveratrol also helps boost blood flow to the brain and hence multiplies the nutrient replenishment rate.  It is also an antioxidant that can help repair the blood brain barrier.

Plus, this polyphenol enhances memory and concentration skills.

Choline From Eggs

Choline is a precursor of Acetylcholine and helps boost its levels in the brain.

FYI: Acetylcholine is the primary neurotransmitter of the brain and actively participates in processes associated with memory and learning.

For this purpose, Choline is used to alleviate symptoms of Alzheimer’s and ADHD.

Having eggs for breakfast would give you a great start to the day; nourishment from the proteins on top of a kick memory boost!

To get more insight on this amazing nootropic, give our article on CDP Choline a quick read!


Turmeric powder is a cult favorite spice of the Indian cuisine. Its mostly used to flavor curries whilst giving them a distinctive yellow color.

But little do people know that this spice is a great anti-inflammatory agent. It is rich in curcuminoids that exhibit antioxidant properties and help strengthen memory reserves.

These curcuminoids are also involved in enhancing the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF).

Turmeric also helps lower depression and stress.  Compare the top tumeric supplements here.

Carotenoids From Spinach & Kale

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are two carotenoids that have long been a subject of scrutiny for scientists.

Side Note: lutein is not related to luteolin!  You can learn more about luteolin here!

These carotenoids which are considered natural nootropics which are found in food, not only sharpen vision but also nurture cognitive health.

Their ability to cross the blood-brain barrier allows them to impart their fruitful benefits to the brain.

Their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties protect the brain from damage.


Many healthy foods are loaded with anti-oxidants!  This includes tumeric!  We cover antioxidants in many of our articles as you can see here.


The combination of Vitamin E, Melatonin, and essential Polyphenols makes walnuts the perfect cocktail of antioxidants.

Olive Oil

Rich in unsaturated fatty acids and Beta carotenes, olive oil serves to be an amazing source of vital nutrients.

Other antioxidants found in olive oil include Tocopherols, Lutein, Squalane, and a variety of phenols!


Ginseng has been commonly used to formulate green or herbal teas, mostly because of its potent antioxidant constituents!

Korean red ginseng, in particular, has been a subject of interest for herbologists since it may prove to be a promising herb for raising the immunity bar!

Compare ginseng supplements here


Not only are blueberries a delectable fruit for the taste buds, but they also happen to be loaded with Quercetins and Anthocynanidins!

These are highly potent flavonoids that can protect the body from stress and free radical damage.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids From Fish

omega-3 fish oil supplement

Omega 3 is great for protection from cardiovascular incidents and brain aging.

Salmon, Sardines, and Trout are a few of the many fish breeds rich in such fatty acids.

Apart from health benefits such as regulating blood pressure and lowering cholesterol, they boost memory and enhance cognition.

Docosahexaenoic acid or DHA is the primary fatty acid found in fish.

It not only leads to the development of a healthy brain but is also responsible for increasing its blood flow during challenging tasks!

BDNF From Lion’s Mane Mushroom

The Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is a gene used to develop essential proteins for the brain.

It keeps the neuronal machinery of the brain healthy and functional.

Since it has such a close association with neurons, it helps shape memory reserves and their plasticity! The survival and growth of neurons is highly dependent on this factor.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom has been a very hyped nootropic lately.

It was declared a nootropic because it helps boost BDNF levels in the brain. There is so much more to this mushroom, click here to find out more!

Natural Nootropics are Found in Food – Final Thoughts…

For those of you who wish to avoid nootropic pills, these natural sources can prove to be a great alternative!

However, do not give up so quickly because natural nootropic sources take a lot more time and energy to impart the effects that you covet!

Also, keep an eye out for recommended dosages for each of the food sources.

I personally think that a balanced diet would incorporate natural nootropics by default!

I guess the famous proverb ‘You are what you eat’ corrals a deeper message than we thought!

About David Gracey

About David Gracey

Founder of SuperMindHacker.com

Hey! My name is David Gracey.  I am the brain child of SuperMindhacker.com and a Cognitive Brain Function Researcher, Avid Biohacker, Lucid Dreamer, Morning Ritual Master, and Self-Proclaimed Nootropic Junkie of Sorts! 

In other words, I am completely obsessed with anything and everything related to cognitive brain enhancement! 

Whether it's nootropics supplements, challenging brain puzzles, or even meditation techniques, chances are, I've tried it!  This website is my outlet to give back and share what I've learned in the past 15+ years in this field of study. 

You Can Read my Other Posts Here:  David Gracey's Articles 




About David:

Hey, I’m David Gracey, and I’m glad you’re here! I’ve spent years diving into the secrets of the mind—biohacking, cognitive breakthroughs, and nootropics that supercharge focus and clarity. This site is my way of sharing the strategies that work, without the fluff, so you can unlock a sharper, more powerful mind. Got a question or just curious? Reach out—I’m here to help!










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